Fruit makes you fat? Debunking the Myth

Influencers and websites resort to clickbait tactics, such as sensationalistic headlines, proclaiming that fruit makes you fat. They do it so that they catch your very precious attention and time to try selling you useless programs/supplements.

This causes confusion, concern and absolutely unnecessary food anxiety.

After all, fruit is a natural part of a healthy diet and we’ve been always told that it’s a good source of vitamins, how come now fruit makes you fat? Does it?

Long story short?

Absolutely not.

Fruit does NOT make you fat nor is bad for your health. The only way for you to get fat is to eat, for a consistent period of time, in a caloric surplus.

If you do so, anything will make you fat, literally anything, even plain lettuce. How many calories should you eat per day? Find out with my free calories calculator!

That said, whoever tells you that fruit is DANGEROUS because it spikes your blood sugar, unless you’re diabetic, is not helping you and misses to understand that this will not harm you and it’s a normal consequence of eating food, any food.

Just letting you know that intense training can cause a blood sugar increase too.

However, let’s go back to today’s hot topic, the online trend in saying that fruit makes you fat.

Fruit is, in reality, a valuable addition to a fat-loss regimen, and understanding this can empower you to make informed choices about your diet.

Let me show you why.

The Power of Fruit: A Micronutrient Powerhouse

Fruits are a powerhouse of micronutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, all essential for optimal bodily function.

  • Micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, play a crucial role in various bodily processes, from regulating your metabolism to supporting your immune function.
  • Fiber, another key component of fruits, helps regulate your digestion and promotes feelings of satiety, keeping you feeling fuller for longer and potentially reducing cravings throughout the day to keep you in caloric deficit.
  • Antioxidants, meanwhile, combat free radicals in the body, which can contribute to cellular damage and chronic diseases.

By incorporating a variety of fruits into your diet, you’re providing your body with the essential building blocks it needs to function at its best.

You should avoid influencers or any diet that forbids fruits and labels them as dangerous. Unless you’re diabetic in which case the only reliable help comes from a REAL doctor.

Let me give you an example: would you tell a kid to absolutely avoid watermelon? To never eat strawberries? To throw away that banana?

See how silly that sounds? So why would you believe a shirtless dude on Instagram/TikTok telling you so?

Calorie Balance: The Key to Fat Loss, But Not the Whole Story

It’s important to acknowledge, however, that calorie balance remains the base of any fat-loss: you need to be in calorie deficit to lose fat. Simply said: using more calories than you eat.

While some fat-loss plans tend to create fear around certain fruits (bananas anyone?) due to their sugar content, it’s important to remember that it’s not about fruit per se.

a scary banana
I don’t understand why bananas get so much bad rep. They’re not scary at all

The natural sugars found in whole fruits are accompanied by fiber and other essential nutrients, unlike the added sugars found in processed foods and sugary drinks.

Added sugars in drinks (Frappuccino?), also know as “empty calories” are often oversighted but can very rapidly add lots of calories and put you out of calorie deficit first and also contribute to potential health issues down the line.

scary frappuccino
now this is a scary drink. Basically a liquid cheesecake with 59 grams of sugar (source)
Should you ALWAYS avoid sugary drinks and processed sugary food?

Yes and no, in the grand scheme of things of a balanced nutrition (and your mental health), these can find a place and time too in the right quantities.

It’s when these become a huge chunk of your nutrition that you should reconsider them. Can you have that slice of cake then? Find out here.

Do I avoid sugar like I avoid meetings at 5pm on a Friday? I don’t.

Friday 5pm meeting
that’s how a Meeting on a Friday at 5pm looks, by the way

I am aware that including them in my nutrition helps me being consistent (and keeps my sanity) so I do have desserts here and there. I don’t like sugary drinks though, so you’ll very rarely (if ever) catch me with a soda or a Frappuccino both because how insanely sweet they taste and because they don’t make me feel satisfied at all, unlike a cheesecake would.

a cheesecake with fruit
now that is satisfying (and it has fruit!)

Fruit and Satiety: Friends, Not Foes

Inclusion of fruit in your diet does actually might help with your fat loss.
The fiber content in fruit promotes satiety, and extended feelings of fullness. Feeling fuller longer could also mean fewer calories consumed during the day. 

Additionally, could you resist the allure of a delightful and refreshing piece of fruit? I wouldn’t.

fruit makes you fat? A delicious fruit platter
come on, can’t resist

Don’t believe me?

Studies have shown that including fruits in your diet can help you feel more satisfied after meals, potentially reducing overall calorie intake and aiding in weight management efforts source and Source.

Conflicting Information online: Don’t Be Fooled by Clickbait or Trendy Videos

Any article, video, reel or post aiming at completely labeling an entire food group, such as fruit, as “Bad food” misses the whole picture and it really is out of touch with reality.

When you see those, here is what you should do: 

unfollow who tells you that fruit makes you fat
unfollow who tells you that fruit makes you fat

A balanced and healthy diet for fat loss should absolutely include fruit, with room for occasional indulgences as well.

When you’re scrolling on IG, keep an eye on following and trusting reasonable sources and that don’t aim to sell you miracle nutrition plans or extremely useless supplements.

a supplement bottle that's not great
I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t buy it…
Building Your Nutritional Knowledge: The Path to Not Be Scammed and to Long-Term Success

Your nutrition and food preferences are yours and yours only. Understanding what works for you and it’s sustainable in the long term for your goals should then be your priority.

There’s no need to get a degree in nutrition, simply familiarizing with calorie balance, macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat), and how to make informed choices that align with your objectives is far more than enough.

When you have doubts and questions and you look for answers online just be aware of red flags and false claims such as “Fruit makes you fat” or “Carbs after 8pm make you fat

There’s no requirement to eliminate entire food groups or succumb to misleading information.

Thinking of hiring a coach? Find out here dos and don’ts

Embrace Progress, Leave Perfectionism

Lastly a successful fat-loss approach should emphasize progress over perfection. Celebrating little victories, like increased energy levels, improved digestion, sleep quality, and focusing on building healthy habits will support you in the long run.

And the long run 100% includes fruit (and vegetables).

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